jeudi 5 janvier 2017

8 Signs She Likes or Wants You

Okay there’s this girl in your school, university, workspace or you met by coincidence walking on the mall, and she makes you have butterflies in stomach as soon as you see her, if you clicked this link, you’ve surely been thinking if this feeling was reciprocated, okay i won’t talk much, i know you’re only here to help find out things, here are the 8 sings she likes you : 

1. She Turns to Look at You

The first sign that she might be interested is that if you walk by or look at her, she looks back, and if she looks into your eyes, that’s even better !

Be careful when you are judging people based on their body language signs, and always make sure to listen to their words as well

2. She Smiles at You

A smile gives a good feeling and a warm welcome. If she smiles at you when you go, or she smiles a lot when you talk to her, it’s a very good sign.
If she really enjoys your company, you might even see a sparkle in her eyes. And that’s a very strong sign, since a sparkle is always related to excitment and joy, and probably this never happens between « platonic friends »

3. She Starts the Conversation

It's a little unusual for a woman to approach a stranger. If she does that, either she is very sociable or she is very interested in you. If she approaches you with the phrase, "I think I have seen you somewhere before," that's a good sign !
If she asks open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer, it means that she wants to prolong the conversation. You should take that as a positive sign and try to continue the conversation by chatting and laughing as if you've known her for a long time.

4. She laughs at your jokes

This applies in real life and phone calls more than in texts, I mean come on ! Laughing at your « silliest » jokes only mean she appreciates your « trying to impress her » enough to show her positive reaction about that even if that was a fake one.

5. She Asks You Questions About Activities

Does she ask what activities you like ? If she raises many questions about a particular activity, that may be her way of saying that you should invite her along. If she asks you about the movies you like, perhaps she would like an invitation to see a movie together.
If she asks you if you like an activity, you should figure out if you both like this activity, because this may be your first date plan !

6. She Compliments You


Women have very little practice complimenting men. Women often give compliments to each other; but when a woman compliments a man, it is generally a very good sign. Whether it's a compliment to your looks, your clothes, or your personality, appreciate the comment and see this as a good sign of interest!
Do not forget to see her reactions to your OWN compliments, this must be taken as another sign she likes you !

7. She Initiates Physical Contact

A woman who touches you when she speaks probably likes you. She might lean against you or touch your arm or knee. Usually, a woman who initiates physical contact is comfortable with you and might want to go further. If she touches herself, especially at the upper chest, neck, lips or hair, this could also mean that she wants to seduce you. So, that also counts as a sign !
Again, watch closely he reactions to your OWN touching, try maintaining your hand on her back or arm for a little while, and see how she reacts to that !

8. She Calls You or Writes You Often

When a woman is truly interested in you, you will notice that the number of calls/texts/little notes you receive will increase with time. This is because she wants to know how you are doing and that you are OK. If this is happening, you can freely express how you miss her. For example, if you went out of town to attend some important commitment. You can say, “It’s a boring journey. Wish you were here with me right now !” Check her reactions. If the signs are good, let your feelings speak for themselves.

Be careful not to misread the actions of a friend as something more. It’s okay if you’re unsure, nobody can make sure of sombody’s feelings towards him/her.

It’s time to practice what you have learnt, do not be afraid to let someone know how you feel and asked them out, especially if most of these signs are up there ! 

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