vendredi 7 octobre 2016

Success In Life !! changed my life change YOURS !

"How to succeed in life" – now that's a question which all of would love to know the answer to. Obviously, there is no one answer that suits everybody and every situation, but, one thing is true –each of us holds within their own subconscious the keys that could enable us to unlock hidden strengths and abilities that, when used properly, will help us achieve our life goals. YouMeUs and My Coach are two, complimentary parts of Gala's ground-breaking suite of on-line self-help applications. Used together they help you identify your strengths (and weaknesses) and suggest ways that uniquely fit your needs, your abilities, to better your life.
Success: a comparison of our state with that of another person
How to succeed – that's the million dollar question! Everybody, deep inside of themselves, wants to succeed in whatever they do. But, whilst this is easy to say, it isn't easy to accomplish. So, why is it that we cannot find the equation for success – after all, everybody wants to succeed! Why does one person succeed while another fails? Why for one person to get a job or to establish a family is considered a success but for another, the establishment of a large project is a measure of success? In fact, there are many different factors and parameters which can be seen as a sign of success.
We often mistakenly consider something to be a success when we compare our state with that of another person. If "Albert" has been awarded an important position and we are given the same or equivalent position, we will consider this to be a success. Herein lays the mistake which prevents many people from really succeeding in their lives.
Each of us is born different from the other and each of us has different traits and parameters that can lead us to success. For one person, success may be when they find a life partner, for another success may be when they gain tenure at work, for the third person success could be gaining a degree, for the fifth being popular could be a sign of success. What one person considers to be a success is not necessarily a sign of success for the next person – we are all different!
Each of us is born with a measure of ability to cope. For example, if we look at the person for whom success is establishing a family – here to, the measure or conception of success differs from person to person. For one person, success will be the raising of two children, for another it could be the raising of 10 children. Therefore, the definition of what constitutes success in life is subjective rather than objective.
The first question to ask is which tools should we use to succeed in life? If I want, for example, to succeed as a television announcer but I lack charisma – to succeed in my goal I may need to take lessons from an expert. I may need to invest a greater amount of energy and effort in my chosen study track than another person who invests a lesser amount of energy because they have the traits, the charisma needed for the job and will succeed with less effort.
The answer is: the abilities we are born with, the tools which will help us succeed in life were born with us, they are encoded into our DNA. These tools are the traits and skills we are born with which allow us to succeed in life – each in our own unique way. They are always within us even if we are not aware of all of them. Most of us have used some of these tools partially, but, if we are more aware and understand better the abilities we were born with then we can identify those traits and abilities which are stronger and which are weaker and need strengthening. If we have this knowledge, this awareness and understanding of ourselves then we are better equipped to make success in our lives an easier goal to achieve.

Stage 1 – Understand who we are

Our lives are made of two mechanisms, one we are born with and the other is acquired. The system we are born with (inherited) is the more important of the two despite the fact that most people place an emphasis on the second, the acquired, mechanism (study and experience), our inherited mechanism is the engine that will bring us success in life. This system consists of 10 characteristics that, from a very early ager I am either aware that I have or that I want to have. Young children have yet to develop desires that are influenced by what is acceptable by the external world. At this age they are more connected to themselves and so they know which abilities they possess and which they want to possess.
All of these characteristics are found in our list of potential talents/achievements/abilities that we are born with. If a child is not born with the characteristics needed to be a dancer, then they will never imagine themselves as being a dancer. However, if the child is born with the characteristics needed to be driver or a doctor, then from an early age they will play with the appropriate toys, show interest in the profession for which they have the specific characteristic and will see himself, as an adult, working in this profession. So, when we want know which tools or abilities we were born with, then we should try to remember which inherent abilities and characteristics we have been aware of since our days as young children.
In order to demonstrate, we will show here two, actual examples of real people who examined themselves based on the following table. One is a scientist in the field of science teaching and research; his results are shown in Table A. The other, whose results are shown in Table B, is a female artist.
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  • Grey rows – these are the characteristics I am aware of and use naturally in my life.

  • When we look at the table and identify the less dominant characteristics, then the picture begins to become clearer. Now we know which characteristics will help us succeed in life. We understand where we need to make an effort in order to improve our abilities so that the road to success in life will be easier and smother.

    Stage Two - Understand who we aren't

    After we've spent a lot of time and thought building the table, we now need to look at ourselves and try to identify those characteristics we want or are trying to obtain in life because they have proven themselves to be a recipe for success but which we were nor born with. Those characteristics which we don't have from birth will not be beneficial to us if I try to adopt them and use them in our lives. In fact, the opposite will be true, they will cause us to waste energy by trying to adapt them to our needs and individual characteristics.
    Today, many organizations send chosen employees to "leadership" courses in order to create a better management pool and structure. But, if the person sent on the course lacks the unborn leadership trait and then they attempt to take on a senior management role after the course, their attempt is doomed to failure as they are not natural leaders. In order not to fail, that person will spend many long and precious hours trying to obtain the results that a natural leader can obtain with little or no special effort.
    Another example – if we want to dress and look like a famous personality but lack the same body structure or characteristics of that personality, then we will need to invest in makeup, purchasing the right clothes and practice looking like that person – and all because we weren't born to be like them. All this investment of time and money won't succeed and won't make our lives more successful. True, we might feel successful in the short term, but this feeling will pass quickly and be replaced by disappointment.
    But, if we remain faithful to who we really are, then we will begin to find the right path which will allow me to succeed in life.

    Stage Three – recognize my blockages

    Part of our ability to succeed in life is our ability to develop and overcome barriers. Each of us has barriers and blocks that they recognize from an early age. They are, if you like, a sort of "negative trait" including things such as dependence, fear, envy, lack of self-confidence, doubt, shyness etc. These characteristics can be overcome with the aid of acquired characteristics and traits. They exist in our lives in order to improve our ability to achieve, to be ambitious. When they interfere with our development we seek out the way to overcome them. Every time we succeed in overcoming one of our negative traits so we achieve or are closer to achieving our goals and desires in a more constructive manner and maintaining them over a longer period of time.
    However, we prefer not to solve the problem or overcome the blockage. Then we find ways to continue with our lives but, the unresolved blockage is always in the background. This can prevent us from achieving complete success in our lives since, every time we come up against a these blockages, we waste energy in order to bypass them or subdue them.
    That's why, in order to be able to cope with these blockages, Gala 12 B.V. has developed the My Coach application which allows us to identify our real blockages and barriers and shows us we can break free of them and create a better and more successful life.

    Stage Four - Recognize the scope of my success

    Quite naturally, most people see the rich as being successful and the poor as being less successful. In fact, this is far from the truth. Our success in life is measured by out inherent, inborn traits and abilities. If we were not born to be rich, this does not mean that we will not be successful in life; this does not mean that we won't be happy. Not every wealthy person is successful and happy.
    The amount of our success is measured by our natural ability to achieve our goals; everything that we really want to achieve, if we work towards achieving it, we will also find the path to success fulfilling – even if it is difficult from time to time. If this is the case, then we are on the right path and when we reach our goal we will be fulfilled and happy – this is the true measure of success in life. But if we struggle and most of our chosen path is hard, or if we try to achieve our goals through the wrong methods then, even if we reach the goals we have set ourselves, we will feel that we lack energy, are unhappy and apathetic. We will ask ourselves if our effort was really worth it and this is the state when we finally realize that the goals we had set ourselves were not right for us and that our choices were influenced by external forces and not by our internal voice.
    In principal, success in life is dived into four areas:
    • Creativity and development
    • Experience and art
    • Information, knowledge and expression
    • Realization and actions
    We all need to discover which of these four areas is the most appropriate for us. If we succeed in this, they we will advance and develop on the path that is most suited for us to achieve success in life.
    In summary: Success in life begins with us recognizing who we are, the traits and characteristics we are born with that will help us succeed. We also need to identify those negative or "faulty" characteristics we have acquired from our education or social conventions, which challenges and blockages do we have to overcome in order to speed up our achievement of success and finally, we need to be aware of the borders to our success.

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