work makes the dream work”- this old saying rings true for many things,
fitness included. A duo of two people working out together, supporting
each other, and mutually pushing one another is a great framework for
success with achieving results.
only does having a great partner give you a mental edge but it also
opens up new options of exercise techniques that cannot be performed
out with your spouse, best friend or a relative will give you the
motivation to push harder knowing that you are accountable for finishing
each set with your partner right there watching or doing the same
training is designed to increase physical capacity and aptitude by not
only pushing each individual’s body, but also creating a team-driven
mentality. It truly is amazing what the body and mind can achieve when
there is the concept of a team depending on a certain outcome.
this team-driven mentality to the gym when you work out. For many
people having a partner gives them the discipline to make sure that they
show up and not skip when they know that their partner is waiting for
you need to revitalize your workouts or you just need the extra push to
get in a good groove of working out this spring and summer, then get
with your partner and start making goals together that you want to
achieve as a team. Watch how much more fun and fulfilling your workouts
will become!
Here are five effective exercises for partner workouts:
Trade-off curls –
Each person will stand facing each other while one person holds a
barbell of medium weight in the regular position for arm curls. The
ultimate goal for the team is 100 repetitions. Each person does a set of
as many as they can with good form and then passes the barbell to their
partner for them to begin their set. As soon as the grand total is
reached the series of sets is complete.
Back-To-Back Twists –
Each person sits on the floor with their backs touching. One person
begins by holding a medicine ball and twisting to one side as they pass
the ball to their partner who twists as well. The team goal is 100
total. After reaching 50 repetitions on one side, each partner can
switch directions and perform 50 twists on the other side.
Friendly Pushups –
Each person begins in a pushup position facing each other. Both
descend at the same time and at the full extension of the arms they slap
hands with their partner. The split second that it takes to slap hands
is an isometric tensing of the muscles that keep the body balanced and
in alignment. The two partners alternate hands every repetition until
they reach their desired number.
Leg Throwdown –
This exercise is a classic from Physical Education class. It is still
one of the best lower abdominal and hip flexor partner exercises. One
person lays on the ground with their legs straight up. Their partner
stands with their feet straddling the sides of their partner’s head
while they push their partner’s legs in a downward motion. It is up to
the person lying on the ground to make sure that they do not let their
legs touch the ground. Alternate for sets of 10-12.
Medicine Ball Burpees –
One partner holds a medicine ball close to their chest to begin. First,
they will squat and then crouch and touch the ball to the ground. Then
they will shoot their legs out straight behind them. Next, they tuck the
knees in quickly and explode up with a jump while still holding the
ball. Then they pass the ball to their partner who does the exact same
thing. Repeat back and forth for a combined total of 20 repetitions.
Cusimano is the founder of Genesys Training based out of New Orleans,
Louisiana, and has been a professional trainer since 2001. His
experience with training clients ranges from competitive athletes to
senior citizens. Cusimano’s goal as a trainer is to help clients safely
reach their fitness potential and become the best version of themselves
for overall health and wellness.
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