jeudi 5 janvier 2017

8 Signs She Likes or Wants You

Okay there’s this girl in your school, university, workspace or you met by coincidence walking on the mall, and she makes you have butterflies in stomach as soon as you see her, if you clicked this link, you’ve surely been thinking if this feeling was reciprocated, okay i won’t talk much, i know you’re only here to help find out things, here are the 8 sings she likes you : 

1. She Turns to Look at You

The first sign that she might be interested is that if you walk by or look at her, she looks back, and if she looks into your eyes, that’s even better !

Be careful when you are judging people based on their body language signs, and always make sure to listen to their words as well

2. She Smiles at You

A smile gives a good feeling and a warm welcome. If she smiles at you when you go, or she smiles a lot when you talk to her, it’s a very good sign.
If she really enjoys your company, you might even see a sparkle in her eyes. And that’s a very strong sign, since a sparkle is always related to excitment and joy, and probably this never happens between « platonic friends »

3. She Starts the Conversation

It's a little unusual for a woman to approach a stranger. If she does that, either she is very sociable or she is very interested in you. If she approaches you with the phrase, "I think I have seen you somewhere before," that's a good sign !
If she asks open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer, it means that she wants to prolong the conversation. You should take that as a positive sign and try to continue the conversation by chatting and laughing as if you've known her for a long time.

4. She laughs at your jokes

This applies in real life and phone calls more than in texts, I mean come on ! Laughing at your « silliest » jokes only mean she appreciates your « trying to impress her » enough to show her positive reaction about that even if that was a fake one.

5. She Asks You Questions About Activities

Does she ask what activities you like ? If she raises many questions about a particular activity, that may be her way of saying that you should invite her along. If she asks you about the movies you like, perhaps she would like an invitation to see a movie together.
If she asks you if you like an activity, you should figure out if you both like this activity, because this may be your first date plan !

6. She Compliments You


Women have very little practice complimenting men. Women often give compliments to each other; but when a woman compliments a man, it is generally a very good sign. Whether it's a compliment to your looks, your clothes, or your personality, appreciate the comment and see this as a good sign of interest!
Do not forget to see her reactions to your OWN compliments, this must be taken as another sign she likes you !

7. She Initiates Physical Contact

A woman who touches you when she speaks probably likes you. She might lean against you or touch your arm or knee. Usually, a woman who initiates physical contact is comfortable with you and might want to go further. If she touches herself, especially at the upper chest, neck, lips or hair, this could also mean that she wants to seduce you. So, that also counts as a sign !
Again, watch closely he reactions to your OWN touching, try maintaining your hand on her back or arm for a little while, and see how she reacts to that !

8. She Calls You or Writes You Often

When a woman is truly interested in you, you will notice that the number of calls/texts/little notes you receive will increase with time. This is because she wants to know how you are doing and that you are OK. If this is happening, you can freely express how you miss her. For example, if you went out of town to attend some important commitment. You can say, “It’s a boring journey. Wish you were here with me right now !” Check her reactions. If the signs are good, let your feelings speak for themselves.

Be careful not to misread the actions of a friend as something more. It’s okay if you’re unsure, nobody can make sure of sombody’s feelings towards him/her.

It’s time to practice what you have learnt, do not be afraid to let someone know how you feel and asked them out, especially if most of these signs are up there ! 

jeudi 22 décembre 2016

7 Useful things to do, with CocaCola !

Coca-cola is the biggest brand in the history of brands and products, surveys have suggested that it is the most popular word after ‘hello’, the scary reality is that it is a proven fact now that Coca-cola is absolutely bad for your body. The chemical cocktail that you drink for refreshment is practically killing your metabolism since its acidity level matches the acidity levels of the battery acid.

 It is said that people who consume this fizzy poison inculcate dependence on caffeine and deficiency of important minerals like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A. Don’t take us wrong, we still believe that Coca-cola is a very useful drink—although not for the body but there are many other fantastic uses for it that after knowing them you might start purchasing it all the more than before :

1-A toilet cleaner  : Cleaning the toilet is the most tedious of the tasks and let’s be honest, no one really wants to do it, but your friendly fizzy partner Coca-cola can absolutely handle it. All you have to do is pour the drink in the toilet bowl and wait about an hour before you scrub with a brush and flush—now you have got yourself a sparkling toilet!

2-Stubborn Stains suffer : If you don’t want to buy really expensive stain removers, take some of that Coca-cola and pour it in the wash along with the detergent. The stains will be removed and your clothes will be clean like never before ! All thanks to the carbonic and phosphoric acid inside the carbonated drink.

3-Window Cleaner: By now we know that Coca-cola has magic cleaning powers—one more thing that it can clean efficiently is window. Because of the presence of the citric acid in the drink, which makes it a wonderful window cleaner and works the same way as citrus fruit based window cleaners work.

4-Bug Slayer: All kinds of bugs are big Coca-cola fans like us—they simply love the sweet fizzy wonder but without knowing that it can destroy them and they will be pushing up daises if they try to consume it. You can spray the drink on ant hills and cockroaches in your cupboards and get rid of them!

5- Color Fader: You can use the drink on your hair if you dyed your hair many shades darker than you wanted. Coca-cola is known for its quality of fading the color on hair; so the next time your hair gets dyed in a disastrous way, do not panic or run off to your expensive stylist , just open the refrigerator and grab that Coca-cola can and let it do the work!

6- Gum Remover : If a gum has been stuck to your hair and you think that the only way to get rid of it is to get an unwanted haircut then you do not have to worry anymore ! Just pour some coke on the gum and let it absorb for a few minutes, you will see that it becomes easier for you to pick that gum off your hair.

7- Pain Neutralizer: If you have been bitten by a bug, strung by a bee or a jellyfish then you do not have to panic in pain, just pour some of the dark fizzy drink on the affected area and your pain will be neutralized in seconds, thanks to the chemicals in Coca-cola.

samedi 29 octobre 2016

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway !!! Take Look !!!

The fjords of Norway are beautiful, but everyone knows that...
A profound Norwegian proverb says that “a hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer”… and it is with that heroic spirit that we bring your attention to this fascinating piece. Norway is undoubtedly one of the world’s most beautiful countries, known for its stunning fjords, the spectacular Northern Lights, an endless array of ski resorts and several fantastically modern, yet somehow charming cities.
But wait, there is even more to this part of Scandinavia than meets the eye. Without further ado, here are a few things that you didn't know about Norway…

1. Happiness in Norway

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
Norway is statistically one of the happiest countries in the world. In the latest Prosperity Index, a report published by the Legatum Institute every year, Norway was officially named as the world’s most prosperous country, which takes into account factors such as the economy, personal freedom and education. Norway topped the charts through its population’s immense Social Capital, which includes strong familial bonds, charitable intent and high levels of trust between the people and their government. How lovely. 

2. A country-sized savings account

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
The above mentioned happiness may be partly due to their flourishing democracy, and a relationship between the government and its people which is based on trust. This is exemplified in the Norwegian Sovereign Fund, a huge savings portfolio built with profits from the oil industry, which is growing every year to support future generations for when the oil reserves run out.

3. Public Tax Returns

The Scandinavian tradition of jantelag, which roughly means everybody is equal, is the reason behind a ruling in Norway that makes the entire population’s tax returns readily available on a searchable database. Whilst this may seem unnecessarily intrusive to those of us from countries with contrasting philosophies, it’s seen as fairly acceptable in Norway, and is just another example of the transparency and openness which runs through Norwegian society as a whole.

4. Norwegians can cook!

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
The Bocuse d'Or, one of the most prestigious cooking competitions on the planet, is an international championship which occurs every other year in Lyon, France. Since the competition was founded in 1987, five Norwegian chefs have won, meaning that only the French have had more winners. Unexpected, right?

5. A penchant for pig

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
Folks in Norway eat on average 5,000 tons of pork ribs over the festive period each year. That’s the equivalent of an immense 200,000 pigs. Oink!  

6. Turning trash into cash

In recent years Norway’s capital city Oslo has been at the forefront of a very modern industry. The city burns its own rubbish, as well as importing it in from other European countries, including several cities in the UK, before disposing of it in vast incinerators. In fact, around fifty percent of Oslo's buildings are heated with electricity generated by the cremation of these waste materials.  

7. Successful Olympians

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
Perhaps unsurprisingly for a country covered in mountains and snow, Norway has been pretty successful at the Winter Olympics, winning more medals than any other country, with a grand total of 303. Norwegians also have the highest number of Summer and Winter Olympic medals per capita. What a sporty bunch!

8. Festive traditions

8 Things You Didn't Know About Norway
Apart from munching through an awful lot of pork, the Norwegians, or Oslo in particular, are also kind enough to donate a king-size Christmas tree to Britain every year which stands proudly in Trafalgar Square, London, until January 6th. The gift has been a tradition since 1947, as a token of gratitude for the support that Norway received from the UK during World War Two.

5 Things You Need to Know About the Coming Trump vs Clinton !!!

Bernie Sanders fans and #NeverTrumpers might not be ready to discuss a Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump general election matchup, but the rest of the political world is—and the picture right now looks pretty grim for the Republicans.
It didn’t necessarily have to turn out this way. There’s good reason to think that, had the Republicans run a “generic” candidate, the GOP would have had an electoral edge in 2016. But Trump is anything but generic, with historic unfavorables that surpass even Clinton’s significant ones—and the math shows that Clinton, as unpopular as she is, could potentially be the first candidate since 1984 to win the two-party popular vote by more than 10 percentage points.
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That said, we’re six months out from Election Day—plenty of time for more Trump surprises in an election year already riddled with them.
And with that, here are 5 points to keep in mind as we kick off the main campaign—from what to expect if Trump doesn’t change course, to what to consider if he does.
1. A generic Republican might have been a favorite for the White House.
Way back in early 2015, there were at least two major reasons to think the GOP would have a leg up in a presidential contest.
For one, fundamental factors such as the economy and the president’s approval rating were operating in the Republicans’ favor. The incumbent president’s party typically pays a price for economic troubles, and, while far better than just a few years earlier, in 2015 the economy was not exactly roaring. Average annual growth from 2013 to 2015 was only about 2 percent, compared to an average annual growth rate of more than 3 percent since World War II. On top of that, President Barack Obama’s approval rating was about 45 percent at the end of 2015, which, based on past elections, would give a slim edge to the GOP in a two-party presidential contest.
Second, parties almost never win three straight White House terms. Since Harry Truman’s time, only the Republicans have managed to accomplish this feat—and this just once, when George H.W. Bush won in 1988 after Ronald Reagan’s two terms in office.
The numbers are a little different in 2016: Obama’s approval rating sits around 50 percent, and the economy remains decent enough that Americans feel relatively good about it—similar to how they felt before the Great Recession hit. But neither Obama’s job performance rating nor economic growth are high enough to give a significant edge to the Democrats, especially when coupled with the fact that the nominees are competing for an open seat (incumbents usually have an advantage). In fact, political scientist John Sides and his colleagues built a probability model based on those three factors that suggests a generic edge for the Republican nominee in the fall.
With that said, this year’s Republican nominee is not a generic nominee—and that changes everything.
2. In a Clinton vs. Trump race, Clinton begins as the favorite.
One would not expect a candidate with a -12 net favorability rating to enter a general election campaign as the favored competitor. But Hillary Clinton will indeed begin the long march toward November as the favorite. What Clinton needed is an opponent who is even more disliked by the public than she is, and Donald Trump is just what her doctor ordered: Trump’s net favorability is currently -24 according to HuffPost Pollster’s polling average. We appear to be headed for a matchup between perhaps the two most loathed general election candidates in modern U.S. political history.
Yes, it’s true that Trump is an unprecedented political figure who has been consistently underestimated, only to remarkably end up in his current position as the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. But, in reaching that elevated standing Trump has also alienated large swaths of key constituencies, including many Republicans. His unprecedented unpopularity will likely have serious, negative consequences for his electoral chances.
The worst number for Trump may be his rating among women. At the start of April, Gallup found that 70 percent of women held an unfavorable view of the real estate mogul, compared to 58 percent of men. While more women vote Democratic than Republican—a partisan gender gap that has existed in every presidential election dating back to 1980—women will likely form a slight majority of the electorate in November, just as they have for decades, so they are still a constituency that Trump should worry about—a lot. And, considering Trump’s hits on Clinton for “playing the woman’s card”—which Clinton happily embraced in a fundraising appeal—his gendered language and attacks probably aren’t going away. While Trump’s campaign believes this will help him improve his support among white women, who have backed all GOP nominees since 1996, that strategy is a bit of a gamble, and could well backfire.
And then there are Hispanic voters, who appear to abhor Trump. The research firm Latino Decisions recently found Trump’s net favorability among Latinos to be -78 percent, while Hillary Clinton’s is +29 percent. To put Trump’s numbers into perspective within his party, Ted Cruz’s net favorability was -16 percent, and John Kasich’s was -10 percent. Although Hispanic voters will be heavily concentrated in uncompetitive California and Texas, they will be very important in at least three swing states: Colorado (where Hispanics made up 14 percent of the state’s 2012 electorate), Florida (17 percent) and Nevada (19 percent). In light of how Trump is viewed by this demographic group, it’s not difficult to imagine Clinton winning 80 percent of Latinos after Obama won 71 percent in 2012. And, most projections expect Latinos to make up more of the electorate than they did in 2012, when they comprised 10 percent of all voters. That assumption is based partly on the growing Latino population, but also on the fact that hatred of Trump may motivate more Hispanics to register to vote and turn out to the polls.
Lastly, party unity is likely to be a bigger problem for Trump than Clinton. There’s little question that #NeverTrump is a larger force within the GOP than the anti-Clinton contingent is within the Democratic Party. Take the April 26 Pennsylvania primary as an example. Based on the exit poll, 84 percent of Democrats said they would definitely or probably vote for Clinton if she won the Democratic nomination, and 11 percent said they would be “scared” if Clinton became president. Overall, 69 percent of Democrats felt the Clinton-Sanders contest had energized the party while 26 percent felt it had divided Democrats. Contrast those numbers to views of Republicans in the Keystone State: Only 39 percent felt the GOP campaign had energized the party while 58 percent felt it had divided Republicans. In total, 77 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump in the general election, and 22 percent said they would be “scared” if he became president. Of course, there is ample time for Trump to bring anti-Trump Republicans back into the fold, and his favorability numbers among party members have improved in recent weeks. Still, via Gallup, his net favorable rating among Republicans was +29 as of May 5 versus +44 for Clinton among Democrats.
These factors, coupled with Clinton’s healthy lead over Trump in early horserace polling, led the Crystal Ball to make Clinton a large favorite in our first Clinton-Trump Electoral College map, in which we give Clinton a 347 to 191 edge in the electoral vote. (Many people, including some Republicans, have told us they believe this projection is actually too kind to Trump.)
3. Recent presidential elections have been relatively close in the popular vote. This one might not be.
Dating back to 1988, seven straight White House contests have been decided by less than 10 percentage points in the two-party popular vote. This competitive streak matches the country’s previous record, which occurred from 1876 to 1900.
We at the Crystal Ball have been fairly adamant that it will be hard for either party to win more than 55 percent of the two-party vote in 2016, in part because of election fundamentals—economic conditions and the incumbent president’s approval rating—and because of the political polarization that exists in the country today. Months of anti-Clinton ads and presidential campaigning are likely to push many recalcitrant Republicans toward backing their party’s nominee, improving his electoral chances.
However, it’s possible that Clinton could break this competitive streak and win by a little more than 10 points—particularly if Trump struggles to unite his party around him, continues to poll terribly with nonwhite voters, and remains weaker than Mitt Romney’s 2012 support level among whites, particularly white women. Here’s some basic demographic math: Take the 2012 exit poll as a starting point and calculate the two-party vote based off those voting percentages. That year, the electorate was 72 percent White, 13 percent African American, 10 percent Hispanic, 3 percent Asian and 2 percent something else. Now, add in the assumption that the electorate will be slightly more nonwhite in 2016, with an uptick in Latino vote share to 12 percent and Asian to 4 percent, and with Blacks falling to 12 percent without Obama on the ticket. If Trump performs about three points worse among white voters than Romney did in the two-party vote, perhaps as a result of losing some highly educated suburbanites, while Clinton wins four out of every five Latino votes because of Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric, that could produce the conditions for Clinton to win the two-party popular vote by just a little bit more than 10 points.
4. The down-ballot consequences may be grim for Republicans.
In 2014, Republican Govs. John Kasich of Ohio and Brian Sandoval of Nevada each won reelection and dramatically increased their share of the vote from their initial victories four years earlier. Kasich went from 49 percent in 2010 to 64 percent, and Sandoval jumped from 53 percent to 71 percent. Yet, while their vote share increased, their actual number of votes did not: Kasich added just about 56,000 votes to his total (out of about 3 million cast), while Sandoval added just about 4,000 votes (out of about 547,000 cast). Why? Because, the second time around, these governors’ Democratic opponents were so uninspiring that Democrats didn’t show up to vote. (Both Sandoval’s and Kasich’s 2014 opponents won about half the total votes of their predecessors.) And this led to a down-ballot disaster: In 2014, Democrats got blown out in every statewide race in Ohio, and Nevada Democrats surprisingly lost all the statewide offices in Nevada, as well as control of the state legislature.
We bring this example up to note that there’s reason to be skeptical of Republican efforts to insulate themselves from the top of their own ticket. Yes, gubernatorial elections are different than presidential elections, and midterm turnout is naturally lower than presidential-year turnout. But it’s not crazy to envision a similar situation unfolding at the national level. If Trump’s lackluster numbers remain poor, we could see a notable drop in Republican turnout—which would threaten GOP congressional candidates in key states and districts.
Given the increasing amount of straight-ticket voting, where voters pick the same party for president and for congressional races, and because the most competitive Senate races this year are mostly taking place in presidential swing states, it seems likely that the party that wins the White House will also win the Senate. It’s possible that the House could come into play, but Republicans have a nice 30-seat cushion; moreover, House Democrats have failed to recruit decent candidates in some potentially vulnerable GOP seats.
And that’s just if turnout remains pretty average.
If Republican turnout craters because of Trump, the damage to the GOP could be extreme, and many Democrats who look unelectable today could find themselves in office next year. Democrats might win Senate seats that the Crystal Ball currently see as leaning toward Republicans, such as Arizona and Missouri, creating opportunities for a large majority in the upper chamber. And in the House, depressed GOP turnout could swing the House, unseating Republicans thought to be safe and ushering in a number “accidental congressmen.”
5. If the numbers change, the outlook needs to change.
It’s clear that most analysts, ourselves included, did not take Trump’s candidacy nearly as seriously as we should have when he announced it back in June 2015. Once his numbers among Republicans improved and he held polling leads for months—far longer than some shooting star candidates did in 2012—observers should have recalibrated their expectations and given Trump more credence as a candidate. But, if you look back at polling at the start of his campaign, there were legitimate reasons to doubt Trump.
For one, Trump had flirted with running several times before, and it didn’t seem at all certain that he would be in the race for the long haul. Additionally, Trump’s favorability among Republicans was very weak: Quinnipiac University found it at 34 percent favorable/52 percent unfavorable in late May 2015 and Monmouth University found a 20 percent /55 percent split in June, right before Trump entered the race. Things got complicated when Trump quickly turned those numbers around and shot up the charts in Republican primary polling. Analysts didn’t make a mistake in pointing out Trump’s poor numbers when he entered the race; instead, our collective mistake was being too slow to adjust when the numbers did change and his durable level of appeal became apparent.
As much as many like to dump on polls, a sneaky story of this election season is that, taken together, the polls have been fairly decent. The many national polls that showed Trump leading throughout 2015 accurately picked up on his solid support from at least a plurality of Republican primary voters. And while national polls severely undersold Bernie Sanders’ potential—which was understandable considering that he was not a true national figure when he announced his candidacy—they consistently showed Clinton with a big lead, and she continues to lead Sanders by 14 points in the aggregate Democratic popular vote.
On the state level, 19 primary states had enough polling data to allow for HuffPost Pollster to create a polling average for both the Democratic and Republican contests. Of those 38 total primaries, the leader in the polling average won the most votes in 35 of them, the only exceptions being the Indiana and Michigan Democratic primaries (Sanders won both after significantly trailing in polls) and the Oklahoma Republican primary (where a big Trump lead turned into a comfortable Cruz win). Granted, several other poll averages were off by a significant amount—particularly on the Democratic side—but by and large the polls got the winners right. Those looking for pinpoint accuracy in polling might have been disappointed, but those using these polls as a rough guide to point themselves in the direction of the winner did get a good sense of where these races were headed.
Therein lies a lesson for the general election, especially because we’re at the point where these surveys are starting to have some predictive value for November: If the numbers start to change, pay attention. Trump’s horserace numbers against Hillary Clinton, both nationally and at the state level, might be poor today, and it might be unlikely that he’ll have as much success improving those numbers with a general election audience as he did with Republicans alone—but we should not rule this possibility out. And if the numbers do change in a consistent way across several reputable polls, we need to write a new narrative.